Publication: Ekstrem toleranslı Puccinellia distans bitkisinde proteomik analizler
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Ana Bilim Dalı / Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Bilim Dalı
Bor (B) elementi, bitkiler için vejetatif ve generatif gelişme evrelerinde önemlidir. Bitkilerin gelişim süreci ve yaşamı için gerekli olan doğal metabolik aktivitelerini devam ettirebilmeleri için gerekli olan bir mikro besleyici esansiyel elementtir. Bor elementinin eksikliğinde veya aşırı bor alımında bitkilerde metabolik rahatsızlıklar oluştuğu bilinmektedir. Son zamanlarda artan bor stresi önemli bir abiyotik bir stres olarak dikkat çekmektedir ve yüksek bor konsantrasyonlarının sıklıkla tuzlu topraklarda bulunması bor stresi ile kombine tuz stresinin araştırılmasının bitkiler için oldukça kritik yanıtlar vereceğini düşündürmektedir. Tuz akümülasyonu, iyon toksisitesi, mineral dengesindeki bozulmalar, membran geçirgenliğinin değişmesi ve kararsızlaşması, azalan fotosentez ve enerji metabolizmasındaki değişimler gibi bitkinin hayatta kalması için gerekli olan metabolik aktiviteleri etkilemektedir. Türkiye'de çorak çimi ismiyle adlandırılan Puccinellia distans türü hem tuzlu hem de yüksek konsantrasyonda bor içeren topraklarda rahatlıkla yaşayabilmektedir. Puccinellia distans, bor elementi için yüksek miktarda akülümülasyon kapasitesine sahip olan hiperakümülatör bir halofit bitkidir. Yüksek oranda bor ve tuz içeren topraklarda metabolik faaliyetlerini aksatmadan yaşayabilmektedirler. Bu sebeple gerçekleştirilen bu tez çalışmasında amacımız, monokotiledon bitkiler için uygun bir model organizma olabileceği öne sürülen, yüksek tuz ve bor stresine direnç gösteren, hiperakümülatör bir bitki olan Puccinallia distans bitkisi kullanılarak bitkilerin tuz ve bor direncine katkı sağlayan moleküler yolaklarının aydınlatılmasıdır. P. distans bitkileri çimlenme aşamasının ardından 2 haftalık fideler noksanlık/B0 (0µM), kontrol/B1 (30µM) ve yüksek seviyede/B2 (4mM) olmak üzere 3 farklı bor dozu uygulanmıştır. Bor uygulamalarıyla eş zamanlı olarak NaCl uygulaması da başlatılmıştır. Noksanlık/T0 (0mM), kontrol/T1 (100mM), yüksek tuz/T2 (250mM) NaCl uygulamasına 30 gün süreyle maruz bırakılmıştır. Stres uygulamasının sonrasında bitkilerden total protein izolasyonları yapılarak -80 oC'de saklanmışlardır. Farklı konsantrasyonlarda bor ve tuz uygulanan Puccinellia distans bitkilerinden izole edilen proteinlerin iki boyutlu jel elektroforezi analizleri yürütülmüş olup elde edilen jeller PDQuest™ (Bio-rad ABD) yazılım aracıyla analiz edilmiş ve normalizasyon sonrasında 9 jel üzerinde toplam 2088 protein spotu saptanmıştır. En çok protein spotu, 282 spot ile Bor ve tuz noksanlık (B0T0) koşullarında yetiştirilen bitkilerden elde edilen ait jellerde saptanmıştır. En az protein spotu ise B noksanlık ve yüksek tuz (B0T2) koşullarında yetişen bitkilerden izole edilen proteinlerin iki boyutlu jel elektroforezi örneklerinde saptanmıştır. Saptanan 2088 spot arasından bor konsantrasyonundaki değişimler baz alınarak PDQuest Advanced programı ile analiz edilmiş ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı artış veya azalış gösteren 28 spot belirlenmiştir. Jellerden kesilen spotların içerisinde bulunan proteinlerin metal iyonlarıyla olan etkileşimleri incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler ışığında seçilen 28 spottan 17 tanesinin yüzeyinde Bor iyonlarına ait emisyonlar saptanmış ve analizlerde bu spotlar kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu tez çalışmasında Puccinellia distans bitkisinde bor ve tuz artışına bağlı olarak değişiklik gösteren proteinler gösterilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, kombine stres uygulamalarından elde edilen sonuçlar ile karşılaştırılarak tartışılmıştır.
Boron (B) element is important for plants in vegetative and generative development stages. It is a micronutrient essential element necessary for plants to maintain their natural metabolic activities necessary for their development process and life. It is known that metabolic disturbances occur in plants due to deficiency or excessive intake of boron element. Recently, increasing boron stress has attracted attention as an important abiotic stress, and the presence of high boron concentrations in salty soils suggests that investigation of salt stress combined with boron stress will give highly critical responses for plants. Salt accumulation affects metabolic activities necessary for plant survival, such as ion toxicity, disruptions in mineral balance, altered and destabilized membrane permeability, reduced photosynthesis, and changes in energy metabolism. Puccinellia distans species called the alkali grass in Turkey can live comfortably in both salinity and boron containing high concentrations. Puccinellia distans is a hyperacumulatory halophyte plant with high accumulation capacity for boron element. They can live in soils which include high boron and salt without disturbing their metabolic activities. For this reason, our aim in this thesis study is to elucidate the molecular pathways of plants that contribute to salt and boron resistance by using the hyperacumulative plant P. distans, which is suggested to be a suitable model organism for monocotyledonous plants and is resistant to high salt and boron stress. After the germination stage of P. distans plants, 3 different boron doses were applied to the 2-week-old seedlings as deficiency / B0 (0µM), control / B1 (30µM) and high level / B2 (4mM). Simultaneously with boron applications, NaCl application has also been initiated. Deficiency / T0 (0mM), control / T1 (100mM), high salt / T2 (250mM) NaCl application for 30 days. After the stress application, total protein isolations were made from the plants and stored at -80 oC. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analyzes of proteins isolated from P. distans plants treated with different concentrations of boron and salt were carried out, the gels obtained were analyzed with PDQuest ™ (Bio-rad USA) software and after normalization, a total of 2088 protein spots were detected on 9 gels. The most protein spots were detected in the gels obtained from plants grown under Boron and salt deficiency (B0T0) conditions with 282 spots. The least protein spot was detected in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis samples of proteins isolated from plants grown under B deficiency and high salt (B0T2) conditions. Based on the changes in boron concentration among the detected 2088 spots, they were analyzed with PDQuest Advanced program and 28 spots that showed a statistically significant increase or decrease were determined. The interactions of the proteins in the spots cut from the gels with metal ions were investigated. Emissions of boron ions were detected on the surface of 17 of the 28 spots selected in the light of these investigations and these spots were used in the analysis. As a result, in this thesis study, proteins showing changes due to the increase in boron and salt were shown in Puccinellia distans. The results obtained are compared with the results obtained from combined stress applications and discussed.
Boron (B) element is important for plants in vegetative and generative development stages. It is a micronutrient essential element necessary for plants to maintain their natural metabolic activities necessary for their development process and life. It is known that metabolic disturbances occur in plants due to deficiency or excessive intake of boron element. Recently, increasing boron stress has attracted attention as an important abiotic stress, and the presence of high boron concentrations in salty soils suggests that investigation of salt stress combined with boron stress will give highly critical responses for plants. Salt accumulation affects metabolic activities necessary for plant survival, such as ion toxicity, disruptions in mineral balance, altered and destabilized membrane permeability, reduced photosynthesis, and changes in energy metabolism. Puccinellia distans species called the alkali grass in Turkey can live comfortably in both salinity and boron containing high concentrations. Puccinellia distans is a hyperacumulatory halophyte plant with high accumulation capacity for boron element. They can live in soils which include high boron and salt without disturbing their metabolic activities. For this reason, our aim in this thesis study is to elucidate the molecular pathways of plants that contribute to salt and boron resistance by using the hyperacumulative plant P. distans, which is suggested to be a suitable model organism for monocotyledonous plants and is resistant to high salt and boron stress. After the germination stage of P. distans plants, 3 different boron doses were applied to the 2-week-old seedlings as deficiency / B0 (0µM), control / B1 (30µM) and high level / B2 (4mM). Simultaneously with boron applications, NaCl application has also been initiated. Deficiency / T0 (0mM), control / T1 (100mM), high salt / T2 (250mM) NaCl application for 30 days. After the stress application, total protein isolations were made from the plants and stored at -80 oC. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analyzes of proteins isolated from P. distans plants treated with different concentrations of boron and salt were carried out, the gels obtained were analyzed with PDQuest ™ (Bio-rad USA) software and after normalization, a total of 2088 protein spots were detected on 9 gels. The most protein spots were detected in the gels obtained from plants grown under Boron and salt deficiency (B0T0) conditions with 282 spots. The least protein spot was detected in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis samples of proteins isolated from plants grown under B deficiency and high salt (B0T2) conditions. Based on the changes in boron concentration among the detected 2088 spots, they were analyzed with PDQuest Advanced program and 28 spots that showed a statistically significant increase or decrease were determined. The interactions of the proteins in the spots cut from the gels with metal ions were investigated. Emissions of boron ions were detected on the surface of 17 of the 28 spots selected in the light of these investigations and these spots were used in the analysis. As a result, in this thesis study, proteins showing changes due to the increase in boron and salt were shown in Puccinellia distans. The results obtained are compared with the results obtained from combined stress applications and discussed.
Biyoloji, Biyoteknoloji, Genetik, Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics